Maria Schumacher
On my travels across Europe, Eurasia and Australia I experienced the most magical moments with people and found myself in breathtaking places. These resonating moments and places can be found everywhere. You’ll know them instantly, because they make you feel ALIVE. The purpose of my art is to share them and bring them into everyday life.
My art is inspired by things that fascinated me, struck a chord and got me buzzing. Nature also features quite a bit, as it is this world’s greatest source of wonderment. I paint both from treasured memories collected on my travels as well as from new experiences on long walks through the streets and alleys of Vancouver.
To me everything has a colour: every emotion, the quality of every moment, each kind of character, even every letter of the alphabet. The colours are intrinsically linked to the feelings that experiences raise or the qualities a person or item has and I use the colours to express them. They come together, mix and overwrite in different movements, conveying emotions and qualities. My main mediums are acrylics and spray paints for their unapologetically intense colour and sometimes I incorporate found objects that inspired the piece.
Aidan Walsh
Designer, welder and architect - Aidan was born in Ireland, spent some of his childhood in Canada before returning to Ireland with his family. He studied architecture in London, UK, where he honed his skills in drawing and digital image manipulation. His work starts out as pencil or ink drawing, or a photograph, which is then uploaded and altered digitally, sometimes printed, drawn again and the process is repeated.
After extensive travels he has settled in Vancouver, BC, where he continues his work, inspired by the city’s back-alleys and less-frequented spots. He designs and welds furniture and home décor using pieces of iron found on Vancouver's train tracks or anywhere else on his city meanderings.